Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Open Every Door

Shortly after the threat of Covid-19 began shutting everything down and life changed as I (we) had known it, I came across this quote from Emily Dickinson:
                “Not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every door.”
Dickinson sought inspiration for her poetry, I seek to make sense of a world seemingly turned upside down.  As the weeks passed, I have come back again and again to this quote.  Each time asking myself what is the door waiting to be opened? 
Some of the early doors opened to the fog of navigating a new reality for work and so many things in life I took for granted.  Other times there was an invitation to curiosity in exploring possibilities and the time I had on my hands. There have also been many doors which have led to deeper connection with my community, family, friends and co-workers.
In the past couple of weeks, the door opened to pain, sadness, and a sense of responsibility to do better in the face of systemic racism.  This doorway has led to candid conversations, to seeking information, to sitting in the discomfort, and the intrapersonal work to address my own biases and learn how to do better.  
As a woman of faith, I trust the dawn will come.  I seek to open the doors with a listening and humble heart, especially when the dawn seems distant and the road uncertain.  What doors might be waiting for you?

Sr. Kimberly Porter, OSB


  1. Lovely, Sister Kimberly.
    Thank you!

  2. Saving this one. Beautiful words to read during any and all difficult times.

  3. Dear Sister, thank you for these good words. The doors of the senses that connect us to the outer world. Listen to the first bird song, smell the early breeze. Closed doors that we all have because our formation. Jesus knocking at the door, he must be the dawn, might he come at midnight, when dawn is so far away, the darkest hour? I've been studying the history of the 20th century again and rediscovering the increase in segregation that happened when communities that had lived side by side were divided into different nations = democracy, and nation formation. One of the lessons I learned as a boy was that living side by side and learning about and loving one another was the best thing to do, a door open. God bless OSB Saint Peter and Paul today.
