From my
early youth, I loved Mary, frequently prayed the rosary, and thought of her as
my second mother. Her existence to me was
as real as my own dear mom. I loved
Jesus, but since he was God, it was Mary, I felt, who could lead me to
him. As I grew older, the belief that
she was conceived without sin meant little to me.
What amazed me was that she always said yes
to God. I thought how fortunate she was,
and that it must have been easier for her than everybody else.
Now that I am much older, I realize that only through
the grace of God could Mary be so open to others’ needs, to the performance of
good works, to prayer, and so united with her son in spirit, that her life was
totally given. I remember that she was
as human as you and I. Not so easy after
all. She had her day-to- day struggles,
times of misunderstandings and fear, great inconveniences, and deep, wrenching loss. Only with God’s grace, was she able to come
through it all. In other words, she was
like us in all ways, except sin. Because
she loved more, she trusted more. At
Cana, her secret was revealed: “Do as he tells you”, she says, directing us to
everlasting life and the Source of all joy!
Sr. Sharon Portwood, OSB