Friday, September 15, 2017

Inspired by Psalm 90

To you, O God, I cry.  You are our refuge, age after age.
You are God from all eternity and forevermore.
You, who can turn us back to dust in a single second,
hear our prayer,           
  …for all those…
driven from their dwelling places, plundered by enemies,
swallowed up by the seas, splintered by raging winds  -
For your people of Myanmar, Mozambique, Egypt, Peru,
Kashmir, Darfur, South Sudan, Somali, Afghanistan, Ukraine,
 Iraq, Syria, Texas, Mexico, Florida, the Caribbean Islands, and more…

Up, cry out in the night-time, in the early hours of darkness!
Pour out your heart like water before your Creator,
Stretch your hands to God for the lives of your children.
Little ones and old ones are lying on the ground in the streets;
Virgins and young men have fallen by the sword.
Huge as the Sea is our affliction, who can possibly cure us?
 You, alone, O God.
Open our eyes, ground us in love, and strengthen our will.
Inspire us to act.
 Renew our lives as in times past. 
Then, at sunrise, filled with your mercy,

We will sing your praise and rejoice in your loving kindness!
      Sr. Sharon Portwood, OSB


  1. this is a very good way to sing the Psalm bringing out the heart message in modern words and making what is eternal seem completely new again -- it is very good to use different versions of what is well known, to keep the mind alert to the meaning, please make more like this, God Bless OSB amen

  2. Thanks, Sr. Sharon, for leading us by your prayer.

  3. Thanks, Sr. Sharon, for leading us by your prayer.
