For Benedictines "vowed life" means participation in a continuing communal commitment to Christ. Benedictines publicly profess three monastic vows which guide and free us to live together and love wholeheartedly. The three monastic vows are: Stability in a particular monastic community, which supports a woman's celibacy; Obedience according to the norms of the Gospel, the rule of Benedict and the Federation's Constitutions. Obedience is shown by the sister's living response to her prioress, her sisters, and the Church with its chief pastor, the Pope; Fidelity to the monastic way of life, which means living out Gospel values with single-heartedness, turning from self-centeredness, and holding all goods in common with her sisters. Common ownership as an effect of Benedictine monastic profession means that we provide for and share life with one another.

As you see, "vowed life" is a broad topic and involves several other concepts, like authority, belonging, talents, individuality, personalities, relationships, abilities, collaboration, cooperation, etc. Because the long Benedictine tradition of vowed life is an unique call to practical reverences, adaptability and hospitality, these topics are relevant daily. Sr. Martha Walther, OSB