Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Are You Ready?

 Am I ready? From December 1st until the 31st or from the beginning of Advent until Christmas Day many of us seem to be assessing our preparedness for holiday observances. There may be shopping and gift wrapping involved; there may be card writing, phone calling, reservation making, cookie baking, and visiting on our “to do” lists. And, of course no preparation is complete with taking the time and energy to rest and reflect on why we do what we do.  

Our First Sunday of Advent Scriptures shout to us, “the days of fulfillment are at hand”. There is a sense of the cycle of life embedded in this message. A season is ending; another anticipated – just like in the garden where the annuals have died and need to be taken out and the daffodils and other bulbs planted for spring. As in the garden, the preparatory transition will go better with gentleness and patience. If you are like me, you get focused on what needs to be done and lose the spirit of the season. So perhaps the invitation here is to be alert to opportunities to be kind and to be thoughtful of others, so that our festivities at Christmas and other holidays will truly be what we intend for them to be, celebrations of love and bringing “the whole family” together, in spirit if not physically.

This year, especially, as the threat of Covid continues to haunt us, we are reminded to respect the needs and choices of others. Indeed, family members and friends may be at a distance geographically, but are kept near in our hearts. Likewise, the serious divisions within our society are in need of our acceptance and healing. The promise of Messianic fulfillment is the Reign of Justice and Peace. Let us be ready for the coming of the Lord first of all by fixing our hearts on this and then directing our hope, love and caring outward from ourselves to all of creation. Come, Lord Jesus Christ! -- Sr. Dorothy Schuette, OSB

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