Thursday, May 6, 2021

Fruit of the Vine



The Gospel on Sunday was the story of the vine and the branches. At Evening Prayer on Saturday evening Sr. Aileen gave her reflection. Her thoughts have stayed with me as the week has progressed.


She emphasized that a vine is a type of plant that attaches itself to some structure and its branches are in intricate part of the vine, not a separate entity. The nutrients that are coming into the vine and passed along to the branches.


I keep imagining the nutrients of Christ coming into my very being, just as nutrients come into a living vine and its branches. I ask myself what difference are those nutrients in my life, in how I view the world, how I treat others, in what decisions I make every day.


And what are the nutrients—the values of respect, compassion, selflessness.

Are these the hallmarks of my daily life? Do these determine how I act?


Some years ago, the phrase “what would Jesus do” was popular. If I’m really a branch on the vine that is Jesus I think that question is still relevant. What Jesus would do, should be what I would do, as a living branch of Jesus, without even asking the question.


What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sister, thank you for this good word. It is a good question. What would Jesus do? Let us consider his pattern and teaching. It is very good to think about this. That greatly loved passage at the beginning of ch. 8 in St. Jn (which they say was added later) speaks so strongly of the true Jesus. A puzzle. Are there patterns of Jesus that were not in the original Gospel? Wow (if you permit me to say so) Wow -- that guy over there? But she's not even ... what is the vine? what is its lifeblood? the last question must be love, unselfish giving love. The good brother the good sister God bless OSB OSC amen Happy Easter to you amen
