Thursday, April 22, 2021

What is this? Why is that?


No one can say, “What is this? or Why is that? Everything has been created for its own purpose.” Sirach 39:17.

The line above was part of our Morning Prayer today. At first, it brought to mind the many times my mother would groan when I asked it for the umptieth time. Then it brought to mind the coronavirus, its deadly effects, and the limitations on life as we remember it. Blaming is useless. Trying to grasp its purpose is impossible. Accepting its limitations and praying for those who developed the vaccines is essential. A mask is in my pocket at all times. I protect myself by protecting others and vice-versa. The closing line from Sirach this morning was, “So now sing praise with all your heart and voice and bless the name of the Almighty.”


Sister Mary Catherine


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Sister, thank you for teaching us these good words. Let the bright spirit of the child asking her mother live always -- there is salvation in it. Happy Easter OSB God bless you amen.
