Saturday, June 1, 2019

Speaking a word of peace

           Easter season is coming to an end. I will miss the beautiful Easter songs. Songs singing of “days of delight, joy, glory and freshness of the newness of life.”
            In the Acts of the Apostles, we have grieved with the Apostles over Jesus’ death. His Resurrection three days later was a wonder and fulfillment of his promise. The Apostles’ work of establishing the early Church continued Jesus’ work. Much new life came with conversions and disappointments as well as deaths.
In the Gospels of the Easter season, Jesus walked with the Apostles. He even prepared and ate breakfast with them. His words reassured them that He would not leave them alone. PEACE was the greeting he gave them in many of his appearances. “PEACE the world cannot give.” I go so that the Paraclete, whom I will send, will come [upon you]."                          Jesus’s words were not only for the Apostles. They are for all of us. We are ‘the others’ Jesus must go to.
            We reap the benefits of the Paraclete Jesus sent. After Pentecost we begin Ordinary Time knowing that the ‘ordinary” simply means “the order of time.” There is nothing “ordinary” about this season since Jesus and the Spirit are with us.
            Let us enjoy the peace the word cannot give.

        Sr. Kathleen Ryan, OSB

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sister thank you for your good words, tongues of fire come to us on Pentecost, our consciousness that the power of God is present among us and we can share that knowledge, I pray the spirit brings me to know that God in this age has enfolded the whole world in love, even so far that I can now understand, as I have never understood, that his love operates in the good ones over there, whom we never considered like that -- can we come closer to protect our future? What can love not do, if we are willing to love one another more fully? I know that God is in the loving goodness shown to me. God bless OSB, Happy Pentecost, Happy tongues amen
