Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Making Space

             As spring unfolds I find a growing desire to make space.   Sometimes it is literally making space as I spring clean at home or settle into my recently moved office at work.  Daily I make space in my schedule for prayer, appointments, walking, or time with friends.  More recently the invitation to make space is in my own attitudes and perspectives.  
            In the shifting of my internal attitudes and perspectives I become keenly aware of the challenge of being stretched in my understanding to create space for a wider perspective.  In this space, I come to see possibility where the view was once limited.  In this space, compassion is fostered towards others and self as we mutually work with our respective attitudes and perspectives.  In this space, moments are graced with God’s presence and the movement of the Spirit. 
            Perhaps this is the beauty of spring… for how can I doubt the possibility of change and growth as spring’s beauty leads to summer and supports both my external and internal work to create more space for God’s work in my own life.
            Sr. Kimberly Porter, OSB


  1. Your words make me think about Jesus talking about the pearl of great price and the treasure in the field.
    If we create the space to stay focused on this truth (which will take a lifetime) and if we persevere to always "begin again", I believe we can help to build up the kingdom of God.

  2. What a wonderful post. Everyday we make space for our daily routine and weekly we make space for family gatherings, cleaning the house, washing the car etc. We should never forget to make space for ourselves and the God.
