Wednesday, December 4, 2019

An Advent Moment (in Chapel)

In this quiet moment,
In your space, God,
Inspire us with your spirit,
open in us your Word.

Grace us with a glimpse of your presence:
 soundless, surrounding, enfolding -
an unexpected lighting of dawning darkness.

It is late.  You urge us forth, to seek you other-where.
For how can we know you truly, except in touching sister and brother?
                                   Come, Lord Jesus, come!

       Sr. Sharon Portwood, OSB


  1. Dear Sister thank for this prayer poem.
    Come Lord Jesus come
    in the warm breeze from the south
    bringing Pacific rain
    in the cold wind from the north
    bringing clear days
    shield us with your spirit
    inspire us with holy fire
    burn away the badness
    fill our world with joy amen

  2. Thank you Sister for the lovely prayer. May I share it to those who support the Benedictine Sisters of Florida?
    Faith - Dir. of Mission Advancement
