Thursday, June 28, 2018

Jubilee and Gratitude

       Is it too early for Jubilee?

       This year I celebrate my 50th jubilee at St. Walburg’s. The actual ceremony will be on August 25 but I’m already in the jubilee spirit. After all, it is a “year of jubilee” or so I’ve always been told. I choose to believe it and celebrate as much as possible.

       In preparing for the ceremony itself and what I hope it will express is really just one word—GRATITUDE.

       I’ve envisioned myself giving a few remarks to my family, community members and friends who will be gathered that evening. It reminds me of speeches by the winners at the Oscars or the Emmy awards. They are basically a listing of all the things and people for which the winner is grateful. That’s what I hope to convey then and now.

       The first line of one of my favorite poems by e.e. cummings is “i thank You God for most this amazing day”. That begins my list—God and Jesus Christ, my Benedictine community, my family (both living and deceased), my friends both old and new, my colleagues from years in education, and all those people who have influenced my life. For fear of excluding anyone I think that last group covers just about anyone I’ve ever met or whose books or talks or sermons have made a difference to me. While some of my relationships have extended beyond 50 years and others have lasted for much shorter periods, each of them has made me the person I am today. For each of these I am truly grateful.

       I celebrate the light and dark, the dull and bright, the sacred and mundane. Thank you, God, for every person and event, every day and night, for your gift of unfailing love through it all.

       As John write in chapter 1, verse 16: Of God’s fullness we have all received our share—love and more love. His mercy is ours through Jesus Christ.

        Sr. Nancy Kordenbrock, OSB


  1. Thank you for your thoughts< Nancy. It is hard for me to believe it has been 50 years. I still think of you as one of the "young ones". Ruth T

  2. Sister Nancy, you have given so much to so many! Loved this article! Yes, Celebrate! Enjoy and love!!!

    1. Thanks, Nanette! I guess we all need to celebrate any chance we get!

  3. 50 years of gift in service, holy life given to God, holy prayers and work, I thank you humbly, please continue to make each day a holy gift, God bless you and OSB amen
