In my previous blog on April 6, 2017 focused on the Eyes Of Christ which led us to proclaim what and communicate what we have seen in this encounter.This entails effective communicating as well as listening.
Many articles and explanations of this subject abound. Some new insights for me were gained in reading excerpts from Alan Alda's new book: IF I UNDERSTOOD YOU, WOULD I HAVE THIS LOOK ON MY FACE? [ Plan to read the entire book.] And yes he is the Alan Alda of MASH TV series.

Our annual community Retreat is fast approaching. Our Retreat Master will be Abbot Gregory Polan, He is the Abbot Primate of the entire Benedictine Order and we are very privileged to have him present with us. The Theme will be: BENEDICTINES LIVING THE PASCHAL MYSTERY.
Hopefully and prayerfully we as Benedict Community members and individuals will be able to practice this active presence in listening to Abbot. Gregory, God, and one another as we contemplate this all encompassing Mystery.
Rule of Benedict from Prologue: "Listen carefully to the master's instructions with the ear of your heart and attend to them."
Hymn per Sr. Colleen Winston: "Run the Way of the Lord your God. Open wide your hearts to hear His voice.
Psalm 119: 32 "I run the way of your decrees for you make broad my heart." which in turn frees me to listen, to love and to embrace one another."
Sr. Joan Gripshover, OSB