“The Kingdom of God may be likened to a man who sowed seed."
"The Kingdom
of God is like a mustard seed that a person took and sowed…”
“The Kingdom
of God is like yeast that a woman took and mixed…”

While sitting
at the front desk doing my portress' duty the last few weeks, I have been
watching many young people biking up to our front walk, or driving up and
parking for a short time, getting out and working on their smart phones and iPads till they get a Pokémon-Go signal and capture a character, give a smile of success, and then off they
go to the next site.
The Kingdom of God is like the Pokémon-Go
game that is
energizing our young people to go out to designated sites, capture a character, and
move on to search for more. Our front gate, the Monastery front entrance, and the lake by the infirmary are three of
these designated spots. I believe more folks have located and
identified St. Walburg Monastery building through this game than anything
else. Let us hope that this game will
continue to stimulate good sharing among friends and families locally and all
over the world, and keep them searching for all the wonderful gifts and
surprises God has in store for them.
In the Give
Us This Day July issue, Fr. Ronald Witherup, reflects on the Parables
of Matthew: “As you hear each parable,
you might ask yourself: what does it
tell me about God and God’s priorities?
Not every parable has a moral about our
life.Sometimes they tell us that God’s
Kingdom grows secretly and mysteriously (like the mustard seed or the yeast),
or that it contains every kind of person (the net) whom only God will judge
when the kingdom finally comes.Jesus’
main advice: If you have ears, then
To what can you compare
the Kingdom of God around you?
Sr. Mary
Tewes, OSB,