On August 3, 2013 at St. Walburg Monastery, we celebrated
Diamond and Golden Jubilees at Evening Prayer. Prior to the celebration, Sister
Mary Catherine, Prioress, asked each of the jubilarians to reflect on 50 or 60
years spent living her profession in this Benedictine community. At the
ceremony we were invited to share our reflections with all who were present at
the celebration.
The reading for Evening Prayer was Eph. 3: 14-21. This
reading speaks of being firmly rooted and grounded in love so that we will be
filled with the fullness of God.

As a senior at St. Henry High School in the spring of 1960,
I attended a vocation retreat at Marydale Retreat House. Father Evanston, the
director, asked each retreatant individually, “If Jesus stood before you today
and asked to come, follow him as a religious sister, would you consider saying yes?”
To this question I gave a resounding NO. Then on August 22, 1961, after hearing
a persistent call to enter religious life by Jesus, I entered St. Walburg
Monastery longing for God and stability and naively thinking to escape the
trials of life.
Today I stand before you knowing that I am deeply rooted and
grounded in the love of Christ and in this amazing group of Christ-centered
women whose lives, love and affirmative support through the years have provided
the rich soil allowing this growth to occur. Our life in prayer, work and
communal living heave bonded our lives firmly together in intertwined
rootedness as we faithfully seek God together until we arrive together into the
eternal kingdom of God.
Without this rich soil I know I would have been too weak to
answer if God said, “Today I set before you life and death. Choose.” Today I
give a resounding YES to choosing to serve God anew in this Benedictine
Sr. Joan Gripshover, OSB