Wednesday, August 19, 2020

New Political Conventions?

It is Wednesday afternoon. Two days of the Democratic National Conference have become part of history. I was looking forward to the important days of both national parties, but I wanted them as I remembered them. The virus, however, took over and the large gathering was not to be.   Going into these days I knew they would be different and so I was expecting disappointment. There would be no enthusiastic and at times rowdy behavior. I was going to miss that abandonment, the party effect, the costumes, the comedic drama of the Roll Call.From the time I was in my teens the Roll Call was a favorite.

This year I heard the speeches uninterrupted by cheering and occasional disruptive objections. I could concentrate on the content, reflect and make my own yeas and nays. It was refreshing.The Roll Call turned out to be a beautiful pageant, showcasing our variety of land and of people. Respect was in the air. I experienced joy in my heart.It was beautiful.
The formats of the conventions used this year may become the new normal. From what I have seen I would like that. Electing a president and a vice-president for the USA is serious business as are the more local elections. It behooves each of us to make our preparations to vote and then to follow through.
Sr. Mary Rabe, OSB

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your observations. I feel the same. Though it was a necessary change due to our unfortunate circumstances, I found it to be a positive alternative. Regardless of conservative, moderate or liberal leanings it allowed the viewer to focus more on the speaker’s message rather than the sometimes carnival like atmosphere. I anticipate the RNC will provide the same experience.
