Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Year’s End School Concert Reflection

Yes, God!
Yes, you live.
Yes, you live here and now in your children,
who radiate joy and almost glow especially
 in singing, “I see leaves of green, red roses, too ……..
What a wonderful world!” 
Afterwards, second graders ask: Why the tears, Sister?
They understand that I love their singing;
as does everyone in the audience.
They do not yet, of course, realize their real shining (Merton).
Some day, I hope they do.
Grace them and youth everywhere, O God, with the hope, courage, and all that they need to grow up
                     to live, love and help transform/bless the future for generations to come -
                                          That in all things God may be glorified!

Sr. Sharon Portwood, OSB

1 comment:

  1. Lord Jesus in the children thanks be to God amen. May God bless the children amen. Thank you for this good message. May we all be like these. Since it is still Easter-tide I will say Happy Easter OSB!
