Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Be Present to the Moment

       Christmas is less than one month away.  Preparations consume our time and energy.  Many things are a mess in USA cities and internationally.  I need not remind you.  Crises is looming everywhere.  There is anxiety in our bones. What to do? 
       As I was reading something arose that I have known for a long time.  I am grateful for the nudge.  “Be present to the moment.”  For example, when I am washing dishes, I am washing dishes—aware of the soap bubbles, aware of the warmth of the water, aware of the smudges, aware of the swirl of my hand and the possible pressure needed, aware and perhaps in awe of the clean shine.  So If I do it right, when I am driving, or writing, or cleaning, or praying I am engaged in just one activity.  It is not an ideal world and this does not always work, our thoughts wander back to the pressures.  But for the time that we can remain focused on the task at hand I find that a certain calm ensues.  Praise God! 

       As we enter into Advent, I am resolving to make more of an effort to be present especially at Eucharist.  Thus I am aware that I am in this worshipping community.  I am here and no place else.  I am attentive to the words, to the hymns, to the actions, to the presence of God.  ( I know God is present in each of us at all times including the times of stress and of panic.)  But for the time being there is no stress, no panic just the people gathered for worship.  
                         Sr. Mary Rabe, OSB


  1. Dear Sister thank you for this good posting -- this is very good advice. One thing I realized is that when I feel just as you describe, with increased anxiety, I also note that my thinking is better, and though it is hard, I can thank God more fully. We have to remember that if we have worry it is also because the thoughts are active and quick, then we must get hold of them and focus. God bless and Merry Christmas!

  2. Thank you sister for sharing. I tried to focus on one task at a time, cleaning the car; reading books; jogging etc., it definitely helped me to find peace and calm.
