Is there any significance in the fact that my own deadline for
writing a blog coincided with July 4? Considering that lots of work takes place
on holidays in the monastery, writing a blog, in comparison, should be a
breeze. Yet in July, breezes can be rare. After all, this is vacation season!
On the other hand, some work increases, e.g., house cleaning. Weekday mornings I help in the infirmary by delivering clean laundry. Today I'm subbing for Sr. Stella to bring communion to the infirmary sisters. A double privilege day for me!
In comparison,
writing a blog is a different kind of job and calls for a different kind of
energy. No matter the season, several sisters step up to the task with a sense
of dedication and pleasure in expressing their ideas and perspective at any
time of year. So, here’s to a relaxing,
re-invigorating summer!
Sr. Martha
Walther, OSB
I am starting my summer by cleaning some "big things" as well such as curtain, sofa, mattress etc before I welcome the rest of the summer!