Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hidden Possibilities

     This month marks a year since my office has moved to the current location. I drive by a house which has a bush cut to look like an elephant. The whimsical touch in the midst of the ordinary makes me smile. It was green last year when I first took notice and then brown and bare through the winter. Today I drove by and it was a beautiful shade of yellow. Forsythia shaped like an elephant, what an unexpected surprise. It led me to ponder the hidden possibility in what we think we know but may have a different dimension we can or do not see initially (or even after long periods of time). As spring unfolds, I pray for openness to see the “splashes” of God’s presence in the midst of the mundane and familiar. 
      Sr. Kimberly Porter, OSB 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful..."splashes of God's presence" in the midst of the mundane and familiar!
