Wednesday, January 25, 2012


This week I find myself pondering answers.   Some answers are straightforward, matter of fact, even mundane.  Other answers inspire hope, energy and excitement.  Other answers leave us with more questions.  Perhaps we find ourselves asking “Really?”

 I received one such answer earlier this week.   As the past two days have gone by I’ve moved from a desire to sit and cry to chuckling to myself.   For I am reminded again that even when I think I know all the possible answers sometimes I am surprised.  In the surprise of the answer is the opportunity for the grace to accept the unexpected and allow what is no longer certain to unfold.  It is in this space that I am most open to God for I have no script and little certainty.   And so I pray and journey onward trusting that God will give me the grace to move from my “Really?” to a space where hope returns and maybe even clarity. 
Sr. Kimberly Porter, OSB

1 comment:

  1. And in the surprise of the answer, I learn so much about myself in my response to the answer. The answer usually brings another thought provoking question
    About my preconceived ideas or action I will take.

    I can relate to your words.... The more trust, no script, less certainty ... the more adventurous our journey. And who doesn't like an adventure?
