My favorite story in the New Testament involves two friends, grieving over the death of Jesus, and they are on their way to a nearby town, wondering how on earth could all these bad things have happened? They had such high hopes! And it ended in disaster, a horrible execution, the most vicious one that the occupying Romans could devise.Since most people traveled on foot in those days, it was not unusual for a friendly stranger going in the same direction to join them.
The stranger was curious to know the news of the day, but the friends were amazed that he hadn’t heard, because it was big news! Even strangers would surely know, for so many travelers had come in for the big Passover celebration. However, they proceeded to tell him, as he questioned them further. He seemed pretty knowledgeable, quoting the prophets of the Old Testament that this was all meant to be; it was part of God’s plan. Who was this man? They were puzzled, yet they could feel a wonderful sense of joy welling up in them as he spoke.
They approached the town,
and were hungry. Surely the stranger was hungry as well, and would he join them for the meal? And it was during that meal that they suddenly realized Who He was, and at that moment He was gone! (Luke 24: 13-24)
I like to think of Jesus with a twinkle in His eyes as He lovingly questioned them on the Way, understanding their grief, caring about them and gently leading them on - on to the Truth, giving them new Life as they shared the meal. Yes, He is indeed the Way the Truth and the Life! We can discover that for ourselves as we too welcome the stranger, share a meal, and learn what the poor have to teach us.
It seems to me that Jesus’ sense of humor showed up many times in His new resurrected life. He was enjoying it on every occasion, every encounter. He called her name, “Mary!” and she knew! No more tears for her; she had good news to tell and off she ran to do His bidding. (John20:11-18)
To the apostles gathered together he surprises them with a spontaneous visit. They’re so scared he has to assure them: He’s real and he’s hungry! How about a little something to eat? Ghosts do not have a real body. They don’t need any food! (Luke 24:35-48)
He knew about Thomas’s declaration of a need for proof, and I can see Him teasing Thomas, “Come here and take a look, my friend. Now you can believe.” I wonder if Thomas was not only full of awe, but maybe even a little embarrassed, for he was not really scolded by his kind Master, just invited to come closer. (John 20:26-29)
And then there is another encounter with a stranger, fixing breakfast on the shore for the weary fishermen, who were up all night, with no results. How thoughtful of Him! (John 21:1-14)
This Jesus is just so lovable, and He lives on in His resurrected life, inviting us to share the grief of others, to spread the good news, to feed the hungry, to find Him in so many ways as we practice the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. How many ways can we find Him today? He’s waiting, hiding, teasing us, daring us to come on and do it!
Sr. Mary Carol Hellmann, OSB