I took a sign reading “Pro-Life, Conception to Natural Death”
to the Women’s Rally and March last Saturday, January 21, at Washington Park in
Cincinnati. It was important for me to be there, to join in with the hundreds
of thousands of women and men who want President Trump to hear the many
messages of those who believe that they have not been heard by this president
who has told us that he wants to be the president for all Americans. So I am
hoping that he finds this demonstration more useful than annoying.

I hope that this is the beginning of a new movement, more
than a solitary event. And I commit myself to continue to study the issues, take
them to prayer and work to bring the just and peaceful Kingdom of God to birth.
If you want to join me, I will be at the Northern Kentucky Justice & Peace
Committee meeting on Thursday, February 2, 7 pm at Our Savior Church Hall, 10th Street . Covington , KY.
For details, email dorothysosb@gmail.com.
Sr. Dorothy Schuette, OSB