Not long ago our chaplain made the comment: “The Church
celebrates a feast in which we celebrate the Sacred Heart. Have you noticed there
are no feasts that celebrate the sacred brain or the sacred gut?!” The heart is
seen as the center of love.

think particularly of the encounter between Jesus and Peter occurring post
resurrection. The scene took place “following breakfast.” Jesus asks Peter directly
and deliberately three times “Do you love me?” Asking three times perhaps is a
reminder to Peter of his recent betrayal. Jesus’ response to Peter, however, was
not a reprimand but one of wanting him to take action – a doing of the word.
The first and third time Jesus said “Feed my sheep” and the second time “Tend
my sheep” – behaviors that demonstrate Jesus’ tender hearted love. Acting with
kindness, compassion, patience, doing of the corporal works of mercy are
deeds that reveal one having a pure heart that leads one to greater love of the
Sacred Heart.
Sr. Aileen Bankemper, OSB