Father’s Day was Sunday, June 21. I
have never written about my father before. Now seems the right time to do so.

One visiting
Sunday after I’d been in the convent a couple of months, he held me and
listened as I cried telling him how homesick I was. Although I know his heart
was aching, he did not rush to tell me to come home. He must have understood
that that was part of the process of leaving home and growing up.
My Dad
wasn’t perfect. He had his faults. But, I never doubted that he loved my Mother
and “his kids.” He had an accident about a year after I’d entered the convent
and that removed him living in the family. From then on, he was the Daddy we
cared for.
my memories of him are few or faded, he will always be the one who first showed
me how to love. My recognition of his weaknesses, late in my life, helped me
recognize my own weaknesses. I learned to be more accepting of the humanness of
My Dad
has been dead for 40 years but his father-love is still there. I think he would
tell me he is proud of that I am one of “Ryan’s daughters.”
Sr. Kathleen
Ryan, OSB