The annual community retreat always leaves me with a
spiritual high and this year’s was no exception. Directed by the Most Rev.
Joseph L. Charron, C.PP.S., Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Des Moines, Iowa,
the July 29 to August 3 retreat raised the bar for inspiration, or more truly,
for the certain presence of the Holy Spirit.
The Word of God in the celebrations of Eucharist and Liturgy
of the Hours, and in Bishop Charron’s person and conferences, spoke powerfully
to all of us. While the soil outdoors baked in extreme summer heat, the
community’s soul was drenched with grace.
We were reminded that “without silence words lose their
meaning,” and that every day the Good News is that Jesus is knocking at our
door with promise and mission for us. We were encouraged to be free, honest and
humble enough to come close to Jesus and to respond to the will of God as Mary
did. Yet conversion is an ongoing process, so forgiving and receiving mercy are
integral to community life. Because we are tempted basically by “plenty,
pleasure and power”, our religious profession calls us to be generous,
hospitable and obedient as members of a monastic “communion”.
My favorite conference was on hope. Bishop Charron used the
scriptural image of the potter shaping and re-shaping the clay to illustrate
how God creates, shapes and sustains us so that, hand in hand with God, we
become messengers of hope. Grounded in God’s powerful love, hope enables us to
expect the positive, to grow in patience, forgiveness and generosity and above
all, to trust God’s creativity without doubt.
The whole retreat provided a “time-out” and renewal for
community members. We are grateful to God for Bishop Charron, for Sr. Martha
Feder’s library offerings, for employees and for each other who made the 2012
retreat a highly holy journey.
Sr. Martha Walther, OSB